Dear students.
Indeed we are pleased and privileged that you are a part of prestigious family of Brothers of St. Gabriel education society. We would like you to grow in love, peace, justice, friendship; maturity and blossom like a true Montfortian - men/women with strong character; moral values, clear goals and concern towards others.
Ever since, Montfort school was established, it has always been trying to impart value based and knowledge based education to all men and women, training them to be a good citizen of a country and by becoming role model inflaming others to be a good human being.
For any institution, the quality of a school depends on quality of students and faculties. The rule of life, traditions, human discipline etc. are only means to mould your quality of life. We do give emphasis on effective learning process wherein students develop the sense of knowledge, the clarity of thoughts and expression and intellectual capacity to comprehend life realities.
We wish you a fruitful and effective learning experience at Montfort school, holding high the ideals that, this school is trying to inculcate in you and don't do anything that may smear the image of your school.
Above all, respect and always remain grateful to this temple of learning.